Deleted Scenes

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Deleted scenes from Friday's Child.

Friday's Child

The first scene is an unused wide shot showing Maab and his men around a campfire. Notice the two seated men on the right. One is holding a phaser, the other a comunicator. The scene was to take place at night. I've updated the look which you can see by clicking on Play.

This episode had a lengthy scene which was cut and replaced with a captains log entry voice over as Kirk and company walked through the countryside. A spool with 38 seconds of film was found intact for one of the missing scenes. There is an abrupt cut toward the end, which is most likely where the individual clips from the sequence came from. Unfortunately, there is no audio track. For your convenience play/rewind controls are provided.

EXT. CAPELLAN ENCAMPMENT - FULL SHOT - NIGHT to ESTABLISH some Tribesmen seated on the ground around the campfire, which now flutters bright flame. The Tribesmen sit in a square with one end of it open. The open space is occupied by Maab. In b.g. is Akaar's tent, guarded. We see the Klingon, Kras, edge to move off in that direction.

Stay, Klingon. There is nothing to concern you there.

Kras has no choice but to move back to the fire.

We have made our agreement, Maab. I have a right to my weapons.

Maab opens his robes, exhibits an Enterprise and a Klingon phaser tucked into his belt. Keel and Duur exhibit Enterprise phasers also.

We have them well cared for, Klingon. Your weapon will be returned when our business is completed. That was our agreement.

INT. AKAAR'S TENT - CLOSE ON TENT WALL - NIGHT A knife blade is inserted in the thin material, swiftly slashes a line down it. CAMERA PULLS BACK to REVEAL Kirk and Spock slipping inside. They search the tent hurriedly... suddenly Kirk discovers the belts with the communicators still on them.

Communicators. The phasers are gone.

Kirk and Spock start to look further... but McCoy sticks his head and shoulders through the slit in the tent wall, calls softly, urgently:


Kirk and Spock come away quickly, McCoy motions them out.

MCCOY (continuing)
They're headed for our tent. They'll find we're gone...

There is an O.S. SHOUT of alarm.

That's it. Let's get out of here.

Kirk and Spock follow McCoy through the hole in the tent wall.


EXT. BUSHY AREA (BEHIND TENTS) - NIGHT A moment, to ESTABLISH the dim outline of low scrub brush... perhaps in far b.g. the faint glow of light from tents or campfire. Then the SOUND of hurrying FOOTSTEPS... and the Enterprise men come INTO SHOT, ducking into cover with Eleen, who stumbles heavily. McCoy tries to help her, she angrily brushes him off.

CLOSER - ON KIRK He kneels, takes the communicator off the belt which he is now wearing... snaps open the screen.

Kirk to Enterprise. (waits, then) Enterprise, come in.

Spock comes in beside him now, holding his own communicator. Kirk gives Spock a quizzical look.

ANGLE TO INCLUDE MCCOY Looking over Eleen worriedly.

MCCOY (to Eleen)
When is your child due?

ELEEN (ignores it; to Kirk)
Your vessel is gone?

It'll return in time.

Maab will have you then. You are small by our measurements, you move slowly, you have little strength...

She has a surge of pain, tries to hide it. McCoy reacts worriedly.

Pain? Is it the baby or the burned arm?

ELEEN (ignores him; to Kirk)
At this moment, my eyes see a hundred things yours do not. Maab's will see a hundred things more. Your noses are weak. Maab and his men can follow at night, using scent alone...

Another surge of pain.

Young lady, I'm a doctor!! I want to know what's hurting you?

I am a Capellan; I feel nothing.

Heroics won't help that baby of yours.

It is Akaar's child. I did not want it and I would kill it myself if it would save me.

MCCOY (grabs her wrist)
You listen to me, Missy... you're not killing anything while I'm here to prevent it. We intend to keep both you and your baby alive, whether you want it or not. Hear me?

Eleen twists herself free, her face contorted with anger and loathing for McCoy.

You are to be pitied. Does death frighten you so?

SPOCK (alert)
I can hear them, Jim.

Good. One thing they can't match is your ears.

Exactly what do you mean by that, Captain?

With your hearing, we can elude them. What did you think I meant?

The female is right, they must scent us. They move in this direction now.

CAMERA MOVES IN CLOSE ON KIRK. He snaps the communicators in his hand shut, his face set in firm decision. They all start to stand, move out.

EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE flashing across the sparkling velvet of deep space.

INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE - FULL SHOT - ANGLE ON MAIN VIEWING SCREEN Only the wilderness of stars out there, nothing else.

ANOTHER ANGLE - COMMAND POSITIONS Sulu consults his instruments, glances up at the main screen.

Approaching the freighter's last reported position, sir.

The script then returns to what was televised.

Thanks to Audrey A. for the Friday's Child script exerpt. Thanks to Dave T. for the Friday's Clild clips and the 38 second spool of film. Thanks to Joseph A. of Pennsylvania for the unused wide shot.

Continue to Deleted Scenes 3 for more cut scenes.

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